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Relax Your Mind With Shirodhara Treatment

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to well-being and longevity that dates back thousands of years. It is a unique tradition that helps in promoting the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of a person. The term “Shirodhara” comes from two Sanskrit words, ‘Shiro’ which means head, and ‘Dhara’ means pouring. This Shirodhara means pouring warm ayurvedic herbal oils from a specific height on the forehead, continuously for a specific period. The warm herbal oil is allowed to run through the scalp and down the head. Shirodhara is a traditional method of healing the body, mind, and soul. This therapy is considered to be one of the most refreshing, rejuvenating, and purifying treatments. Shirodhara helps to eliminate toxins from the body. 22 Ayur performs the best Shirodhara Treatment in Dubai. 

What it entails

Shirodhara is done by a professionally trained ayurvedic therapist. This therapy starts with a head and scalp massage using herbal oils for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then you are asked to lie on your back by keeping a small towel below your back for support. A Shirodhara pot is hung directly above your forehead. So, that the oil in the pot falls directly onto the forehead. The distance between the pot and the forehead should be about 10 cm. They will ask the patient to relax with the feeling that comes from the dripping oil. Then, the pot should be put in continuous motion. So, the stream of oil goes to all parts of the head. The extra oils are recollected and again poured back into the Shirodhara pot. This method is continued for about 20-30 minutes. A light head massage is given to the patient throughout the process. In the end, the oil in the head and scalp are wiped off. At the end of the therapy, the patient is allowed to relax for 30 to 60 minutes. 22 Ayur provides the Shirodhara Ayurveda Clinic Near me in Dubai with much care.

Purpose of pouring oil onto the forehead:

The oils used in the Shirodhara treatment are permeated with different herbals. This ayurvedic herbal oil is poured onto the forehead because this is the part of the body that has sensitive nerve endings and vital points. These nerve endings are directly connected to the brain. When the oil drips on the forehead, it creates a meditation-like effect. This helps to empower the mind, and the soul reduces stress and rejuvenates the body.

Is it safe?

Shirodhara is completely safe. It is good to have a patch test before you go for this therapy, just to check if the skin is sensitive or has any side effects. The only risk involved in the oil may be so hot or the oil getting into your eyes. It is better to not go for this therapy if you have any open wounds on your face. Feel the best at Shirodhara Treatment in Dubai at 22 Ayur.


  • Shirodhara increases blood circulation and balances all the doshas in the body.
  • It reduces fatigue and creates a soothing effect on the brain cells. It is a refreshing therapy that purifies and eliminates toxins from the body. 
  • 22 Ayur provides you with the Shirodhara treatment, the best Ayurvedic Massage in Dubai. That helps to reduce stress and anxiety. 
  • The oil used will nourish the scalp, improves mental clarity, and concentration, and prevents neurological disorder which causes memory loss and concentration problems. Experience the finest Shirodhara Treatment Dubai at 22 Ayur.

To refresh your mind, purify and get rid of all the toxins approach the best Ayurvedic Massage in Dubai. At 22 Ayur, they provide the relaxing and rejuvenating Shirodhara Treatment Dubai.

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