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How Ayurvedic Medicine Treats & Prevents Kidney Stones

Imagine you are enjoying a happy life and suddenly you started to experience severe pain in the abdominal region due to kidney stones. Kidneys are the most vital organs of our body that perform important tasks of removing all the toxins from the body in the form of urine. So, you know how important it is to take care of them. If you are affected by kidney stones it is necessary to maintain your body properly. This is because they can return and disturb life regularly. They will be so painful and inconvenient.  Know about the ways to treat kidney stones through Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones from 22 Ayur.

Types of Kidney Stone

Kidney stone is a small mass composition that is just the size of a pinhead. These stones are composed of minerals and salt present inside the kidney. They will stop the flow of toxins leading to serious complications if not removed on time. Smaller stones will leave the body through urine. But, larger and harder stones will find it difficult to leave the body. That is when the person experiences pain and bleeding. 

Through Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones, smaller stones can be flushed out of the body by following a certain diet, lifestyle, exercise, hydration, and herbal remedies. Large stones require extensive flush therapies. In 80% of the cases kidney stone is made up of calcium oxalate. The rare types of stones include cystine stones, struvite stones, and uric acid stones. Consult with a doctor from 22 Ayur, the best Ayurvedic Centre in Dubai to know about the types of kidney stones. 

What Causes Kidney Stone?

Now let us look into some common causes that are the reasons for kidney stones.

Low Water Intake

It is very important to stay hydrated every day. This will help to keep your internal organs functioning properly. A person must drink about 4 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. And this will help to remove the toxins and minerals that are leading to kidney stones. 

Inactive Lifestyle

The root cause of all diseases is being inactive. It is very important to do workouts, stay hydrated, and eat healthier to have healthy urinary pathways.

Excess of Protein & Sodium

If you are not drinking enough water the protein and sodium present can turn into stones. It is advised to all people to reduce protein and sodium in their food if they are kidney stone patients. 

Obesity & Medication

Fat accumulation in the body will affect organ function and health complications. Chronic medication will also have side effects on your kidneys. 

Ayurvedic Treatments for Kidney Stones


For acute or severe kidney stones ayurveda has panchakarma treatment. This will help in stopping, preventing, and recurring kidney stones. Ayurvedic treatment is the best when it comes to curative or preventive treatments. Virechanam treatment once a year is very effective. The procedure of this treatment is to remove the aggravated pitta from the body. Maximum problems in your body will be solved by a panchakarma treatment. This treatment is good for the overall well-being of the person. Virechanam is one of the panchakarma therapies where purgation is induced through drugs.


Avghaham treatment means immersing in a medicated decoction. This is a special treatment that helps to cure neurological disorders. For this treatment, the patient is asked to sit in a tub filled with decoction for a prescribed time. It is usually 15 to 20 minutes. The decoction level must be above the level of the umbilicus.

Herbs for Kidney Stones

There are a lot of herbs in ayurveda to treat kidney stones. The herbs that we use for treatment must have mild oleation action, they must be diuretics, pain relieving, and should have the ability to break down the stone. Gokshur is a very beneficial herb. This herb is available anywhere. Ayurveda has several herbs that possess different useful qualities. Even after surgical intervention for kidney stones, Ayurvedic treatment can be started. These herbs or principles will prevent a recurrence and provide good nutrition for the kidneys. Here is a list of herbs that can help you manage kidney stones,

  • Punarnava
  • Shigru
  • Varuna
  • Kantkari
  • Bakul
  • Kushmanda seeds
  • Coriander

Factors To Keep in Mind

  • Stop eating at odd hours. Eat your meals on time and have only a moderate amount.
  • Don’t postpone the urge to urinate. 
  • In order to clean your bowels drink two glasses of warm water early in the morning.
  • Avoid tomatoes, bananas, chiku, and corn flour foods, and limit your dairy intake.
  • Eat fruits with high water content.
  • Yoga is good for the body.

Preventing a disease is very important. Kidney stones can be highly dangerous if you do not take proper care and attention. If you have any doubts regarding the treatment for kidney stones, consult with the doctors from 22 Ayur, the best Ayurvedic Treatment in Dubai. Our doctors can guide you with the right lifestyle and medication.

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