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The Post-Delivery Care And Treatments

A woman’s postnatal care is a crucial step in promoting her long-term health and well-being after giving birth. She undergoes physical, social, and psychological changes during her pregnancy and at the time of delivery. The added responsibilities like feeding, taking care of the baby, sleepless nights, fatigue, and lack of support all make Postnatal Therapy in Dubai necessary for a new mother. Ayurvedic postnatal therapy mainly focuses to bring back the mother to normal condition after delivery using ayurvedic therapies. Ayurveda helps to remove accumulated toxins in a traditional way. 22 Ayur’s postnatal therapy includes restoring the physical and emotional strength of a mother by following periodic massage and a balanced diet.

Post Delivery Care

  1. Body Massage For Mothers

Postnatal massage is a full body massage that lasts for 45 minutes from head to toe. This massage starts from the 7th day in case of normal delivery and the 14th day in case of c-section. It is usually done for a period of 28 to 42 days. At 22 Ayur we have trained therapists for rejuvenating postnatal massages.

  • Helps the body regain its natural shape.
  • Tones nerve and muscles
  • Lightens the stretch marks
  • Improves colour complexion
  • Reduce belly
  • Lessen back pain and other pains related to breastfeeding & childcare
  • Enhances blood circulation and improves lactation.
  • Provides hormonal balance
  • Relieves postpartum mood swings
  • Imparts better sleep.
  1. Vethukuli (Medicated Herbal Bath)

Vethukuli is a post-herbal bath, where the patient is asked to take a bath using medicated hot water after applying oil. For the preparation of medicated water, medicinal herbs are used. Postnatal Therapy in Dubai from 22 Ayur act on the body and help to regain body strength and helps to bring the pelvis back to normal. 

  • Relaxes the body muscles
  • Reduces body tension
  • Lessens swelling
  • Opens and cleans the skin
  • Soothes muscular pain and aches
  • Removes toxins from the body
  1. Kizhi (Medicated Hot Compress)

Kizhi is a hot compress massage that gives a unique experience. The main benefit of this moist therapeutic heat from this hot compress is it gives a soothing and calming effect on muscle tension. Herbal compresses initiate the release of naturally occurring essential oils into the skin as the compresses are pressed repeatedly on the skin. This benefit in Reducing pain relaxes the muscles, and assists in blood circulation. 22 Ayur provides the best Post Natal Massages Dubai with the best therapy and world-class facility.

  1. Tummy Tying

It is the method of wrapping the abdomen with cotton cloth/cotton elastic bandage/ belly belt in order to restore elasticity and bring the stomach back to its original size and shape.

  • Helps the body regain its shape
  • Back and pelvic support
  • Reduces excessive postpartum bleeding
  • Keep the uterus in the contracted position
  • Support abdominal massage to keep in position.
  • Prevents the chance of abdominal hernia
  1. Fumigation

According to Ayurveda, human diseases can be defined and treated through their unique perspectives and methodologies. Fumigation Postnatal Therapy in Dubai involves inhaling fumes produced from distinct drug formulations, which are then shown to the mother as one of the numerous treatment methods in Ayurveda. According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, fumigation is a method of sterilization and therapeutic treatment for a variety of human conditions, such as microbial infections and psychological disorders.

An effective treatment not only balances the doshas but also gives a healthy and well-maintained body. Get all the benefits of Postnatal Therapy in Dubai from the best Ayurvedic Centre in Dubai. 22 Ayur has experts to take care of your body and mind. Contact us to know more.

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