Diabetes is a common disease caused due to different lifestyle changes and unhealthy food habits. In Ayurveda diabetes is named ‘Prameha’. Ayurveda approaches diabetes treatment holistically. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition where the body will not utilize the glucose resulting in hyperglycemia and sugar in the urine. It is a fact that diabetes patients’ urine taste and smells like honey. Each individual is a unique blend of all three doshas. The imbalance of these three doshas will cause health issues. Kapha dosha imbalance is what causes diabetes. Ayurvedic Diabetic Treatment is the best for diabetes without any side effects. Learn more about the ayurvedic treatments from 22 Ayur, one of the best Ayurvedic Clinic in Dubai.
How Ayurveda Approaches Diabetes?
Diabetes is a metabolic condition, it can be treated by lowering the blood sugar level. Ayurveda approaches diabetes in a distinctive way. This helps revive the body by reducing the blood sugar level and preventing further complications. Ayurvedic Diabetic Treatment is mainly done by following a strict diet. The treatment is by following a diet (Pathya), ayurvedic formulations, exercise (Vyaayam), and Panchakarma. All these procedures will balance the doshas, which is the underlying cause of diabetes.
Ayurvedic Treatments
According to Ayurveda, there are 20 types of diabetes: 4 due to Vata, 6 due to Pitta, and 10 due to Kapha. Primarily diabetes is due to Kapha dosha in the body. Ayurveda can treat diabetes in four ways,
- Detoxification
Diabetes will cause obesity or emaciation based on the individual’s body condition. Detoxification treatment helps people who are not overly weakened. The toxins in the body will hinder digestion, resulting in increased blood sugar levels causing diabetes-induced imbalance. At 22 Ayur you can get the exclusive Panchakarma Treatment in Dubai for diabetes. If you are having any doubts, approach an ayurvedic practitioner at 22 Ayur, who can provide a personalized detox plan.
- Following Good Diet
The diet plan for diabetes is a simplified diet plan that helps to minimize the glucose level in the blood. A diet plan consists of barley, bitter and light vegetables, ghee, herb, and other foods based on the patient’s constituent nature. For some people, honey can be so beneficial because it balances the Kapha. Before following any diet consult with an Ayurvedic doctor to know about what type of food you can consume. This is because there are 20 different types of diabetes. If your diabetes is a Vata constituent then it is not good to take Kapha balanced diet. The constitution of each person and their dosha imbalance is so different.
Foods to Avoid During Diabetes
If you are a diabetic person, then you must avoid these foods in your diet,
- Sugar
- Sugarcane juice
- Oil
- Jaggery
- Cakes
- Sour beverages
- Alcohol
- Curd
- Junk food
- Biscuits
- Herbal Remedies
Ayurveda also has some herbs that may help in Ayurvedic Diabetic Treatment. Here are a few ayurvedic herbs that can help to reduce diabetes.
Gooseberry: Gooseberry or amla is the highest source of vitamin C and has superantioxidants in them. It contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. It slows down the aging process thereby delaying diabetes complications.
Neem: Neem purifies the blood and boosts the immune system. It helps to maintain a normal blood glucose level.
Fenugreek: Fenugreek helps in the reduction of excess Kapha in the body. This is a spicy and pungent herb, that helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol level.
Bitter Gaurd: The juice of this fruit helps reduce complications of diabetes. For better results 30ml of bitter gourd juice, every morning on empty stomach is recommended.
- Healthy Lifestyle
Diabetes is now a disease caused mostly due to lifestyle changes. It is mostly due to a hectic work schedule, physical activity, and intake of junk foods. The most successful treatment for diabetes in Ayurveda is exercise and yoga. Yoga helps to manage diabetes. The effect of yoga on our body helps to reduce stress. Stress is one of the major factors that contribute to diabetes. Regular meditation and yoga will help to reduce your stress.
Though there are many modern medicines to cure and reduce diabetes, Ayurveda is the best way without any side effects. Ayurveda approaches it in a holistic and healthy way. Diabetes can be managed with therapies, yoga, and diet. Consult with a trained ayurvedic doctor from 22 Ayur and more about the lifestyle and treatments for diabetes.